Archive for April 5, 2008

Best RSS Resources

RSS Readers for Windows


Omea is a free and easy to use RSS reader, NNTP news reader, and web bookmark manager. It’s fast, it aggregates, and it keeps you organized. Check out the additional features: lightning-fast desktop search, flexible information organizer, contextual access, and quick extensibility for developers who want more.

Particls helps you track your favourite sites, topics and apps by displaying desktop alerts for important changes. general information can be displayed on a great looking desktop sidebar, important stuff might appear on a popup alert and urgent information coul d be SMS’d to your phone. It’s absolutely free.

Snarfer is fast reliable and free. It provides a new approach to RSS feed aggregation focusing on speed, efficiency and ease of use. Using Snarfer people can become functional RSS users within seconds of installing it. Snarfer has a strong community of loyal users providing feedback, features requests and enhancements which allows the Snarfware team to bring out an enhanced version about every 45 days.

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